I’ve done it again. It’s been over a month since my last confession, um, I mean post. In my defense, we have been travelling pretty fast again. Just when I think we learned our lesson, we get ourselves into a situation where we don’t plan far enough ahead and realize that we have too many people and places to see, covering too great a distance, in much too short a period of time. In the last three weeks, we visited 7 cities in 5 different countries, traveled over 2,000 km, most of the time staying in a place for only a couple of nights. We are now back where this chapter of the adventure started, in Zagreb, Croatia. We’ll be staying put for the next month, giving both of us a chance to catch up on everything we didn’t have time for while in a perpetual state of motion. Continue reading “Bouncing Around the Balkans: An Introduction”
Rubber meets the road
Sometimes you are going along just fine down the beautiful road of life. Then you hit a pothole or get a flat tire. What do you do in those situations when the rubber meets the proverbial road? How do you handle things thrown at you in life? Continue reading “Rubber meets the road”